1. Hangeul Lettering
Hangeul letters were written based on syllables.
기다리다 (gi-da-ri-da) = waiting
열다 (yol-da) = opening
2. Connecting Words
If the consonant at the end of the meet with a vowel syllables at the beginning of the next syllable,
the pronunciation directly connected.
먹어요 [ 마거어요 ]
3. Nasalization
The nasalization occurs when the letters /b/, /ph/, /d/, /th/, /g/, and /kh/ in syllable final meeting with the
letters /m/ and n in the initial syllable that follows.
4. Pronunciation with pressure (tensification)
pronunciation with pressure occurs when the letters /b/, /d/, and /g/ in the final syllable met with /b/, /j/, /d/,
/s/, and /g/ in the initial syllable that follows.
5. Pronunciation with sound aspirates
Pronunciation with sound aspirates (denoted by the letter /h/) occurs when the letters /b/, /d/, /g/, and /j/ in
the final syllable met h at the beginning of syllables that follow.
6. Palatalization
palatal sound is produced by placing the front of the tongue near or on the hard palate (soft palate). An
example is the sound of palatal [c] and [j]. In Korean palatalization occurs when the letters / d / and / th / in
syllable final meeting with the letter / i / in initial syllables that follow.